Friday, November 25, 2011

Day 4

We hope everyone had a Happy Thanksgiving yesterday! Sorry I didn't take time to post. Lindsay had Thanksgiving rolls thanks to Malynda, but that was about the only traditional food she got. She had a great day full of much progress. She enjoyed the many visitors that stopped by. She ate a lot more solid food. She went for a walk with the physical therapist, and even ask to go further than planned. Although the physical therapist could only come once yesterday in the morning, in the evening Lindsay asked to sit up again. Once she got sitting up, she decided she wanted to go for another walk. We were happy that we could help her without the aid of nurses or PTs. She is still in a lot of pain and hooked to more tubes and gadgets than you can imagine, but things are certainly improving. We are very grateful this Thanksgiving Day for all of our blessings--Lindsay's improvement, friends and family, medical wonders and knowledge, caring PCMC doctors, nurses, and staff; God's love and blessings; and many more I can't mention!

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